Recipe: Delicious Sambal Terasi Tomat

Sambal Terasi Tomat.

Sambal Terasi Tomat You can have Sambal Terasi Tomat using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sambal Terasi Tomat

  1. You need of cabe setan.
  2. Prepare of cabe merah keriting.
  3. It's of tomat.
  4. It's of bawput.
  5. Prepare of bawmer.
  6. It's of Kaldu bubuk.
  7. It's of gula pasir.
  8. It's of terasi abc (bakar).
  9. It's of Minyak goreng.

Sambal Terasi Tomat instructions

  1. Bismillah, rebus cabe sebentar.
  2. Iris bawmer & bawput lalu tumis sampai harum.
  3. Blender sebentar cabe (me: gasuka terlalu lembut).
  4. Iris tipis tomat, masukan wajan bersama cabe blender dan terasi. Bumbui, tes rasa. Angkaaat.
